If you use Web Forms then this might be helpful.
In a Repeater (and other data binding container controls) instead of something like this:
<%# ((Sitecore.Data.Items.Item)Container.DataItem)["Field"] %>
You can now do this:
<%# Item["Field"] %>
If you include this Repeater attribute:
We can do this with Sitecore 7 J
For more information http://stackoverflow.com/questions/937244/strong-typed-container-in-webforms
Cool feature.
Also, did you know about the SelectMethod attribute of the Repeater in net 4.5?
It allows you to add a method that gets data for your repeater declaratively, i.e. SelectMethod=”GetCustomers”, where GetCustomers returns an IEnumerable, without needing to do the binding in the code behind with DataSource & DataBind
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